The Construction and Demolation Waste (CDW) has been identified by the EC as a priority stream because of the large amounts that are generated and the high potential or re-use and recycling embodied in these materials. One of the main goal are principles of sustainable development, define in the Agenda 21 on Sustainable Construction as reducing the use of non-renewable materials.

A proper management would lead to an effective and efficient use of natural resources and the mitigation of the environmental impacts to the planet.

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For this reason, the Waste Framework Directive (WFD) requires Member States (MS) to take any necessary measures to achieve a minimum target of 70% (by weight) of CDW by 2020 for preparation for re-use, recycling and other material recovery, including backfilling operations using non-hazardous CDW to substitute other materials.

The research in the field of concrete technology shows that recycled aggregate can be used as a satisfactory substitute for aggregate from natural resources. Knowing the mechanical and durability properties of concrete mixes made from recycled aggregates, it can be find suitable ways of its implementation. This would add value to a material that is currently used for backfiling operation or its rejected at the landfills.

In the ECO-SANDWICH® wall panels production 50 % of the total aggregate quantity eeded for production of concrete layers has been replaced with recycled aggregate obtained from CDW.
