Energy Globe Award and signing Contract

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On 21st of  May 2015 at the City of Korpivnica, Mr. Roman Rauch, director of the Austrian Foreign Trade Office from the Embassy of the Republic Austria in Croatia, awarded the Deputy Mayor Mišel Jaksic with Energy Globe Award for the program New Face of Koprivnica. Energy Globe Award is the most prestigious global award for environmental projects, energy efficiency and sustainable development, which has been granded since 1999 on the initiative of the Austrian expert for energy efficiency Wolfgang Newman.
This year for the the award was competed over 1500 projects in over 177 countries. All winning projects will be announced on 5th of June 2015 at the World Environment Day where all winners in the five categories of Water, Earth, Air, Fire and Youth will be published. Mr. Rauch cited the City of Koprivnica for exceptional results that it has achieved in all areas of sustainable development, which is unique in Croatia. “Neither in Austria there can not be foundsuch an example of success  among the cities of comparable size,” concluded Mr. Rauch.
The second part of the meeting was related to the signing of contracts between APOS Koprivnica (Agency for Socially-supported housing construction of Koprivnica), Faculty of Civil Engineering University of Zagreb and company Beton Lucko ltd. for using of prefabricated fasade panels ECO -SANDWICH® as a first family house that will be built Croatia. City of Koprivnica, which is supproting the project ECO -SANDWICH®, made possible for the first use of this innovative product. 
Koprivnica is always the first, and this new innovative material will be used here for the first time!” said professor Miscevic from Faculty of Architecute, University of Zagreb as a one partner of the project and designer of project. “As far as I know nowhere in Croatia, and neither in Austria, which is leading in the number of passive houses, there is no socially-supported housing construction builted in passive concept!professor concluded.
