Zagreb, 14 of May 2014 – On 14th of May 2014 at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering workshop ECO-SANDWICH® day was held on themes Energy Efficiency, Sustainable construction and Use of recycling resources in the Croatia. During the workshop European project was introduced together with its product „ECOSANDWICH®, Energy efficient, recycled concrete sandwich facade panel“. ECOSANDWICH® wall panel system was developed by Croatian consortium and funded by the European Commission under Cip Eco-Innovation.
The aim of the panel discussion was to focus on the public and professional perception of the concrete as sustainable material, barriers and challenges of using sustainable construction material and products in the every day time, its use during public procurement and legislative barriers. The cooperation of Croatian scientific institutions and industry for developing a new competitive product and there barriers and advantages trough representative example of the consortium ECO-SANDWICH® was discussed. It was concluded that designers and builders are aware of advantages of building with precast panel systems, its better quality and 70% faster construction. Also it was concluded that investors are skeptic over this kind of construction.
City of Korpivnica presented activities that are conducted under its project ´New face of the City of Korpivnica´ and there orientation of building passive or nearly zero energy public buildings. Also they import system of stimulation trough free local rate to encourage there citizens of building passive or nearly zero energy buildings. On the other hand, the problematic of apartman buildings´ owners and implementation of energy efficiently project was discussed.
In the panel discussion there was 50 participants with panelists: project coordinator, prof. Ivan Banjad Pečur PhD., Milan Jokića (Secretory of the Coordination of association of occupant for the Croatia – KUSRH); Danica Jelenić (Director of the Beton Lučko), Jasna Golubić (presenter of the City of Koprivnica) and prof. Ljubomir Miščević (Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb).